Amazon.com: Outliers: The Story of Success (9780316017923): Malcolm Gladwell: Books
Picked this book from the bestsellers shelf, the title is somewhat cryptic, but it means that this book is about all those who lie outside/above the rest. This book in no uncertain way proves that hard work is the only thing that is in your hand to achieve success. Luck, family, economy and other factors play a part, but they are beyond your control. It also dispels the myth on high IQ/genius.
It also clearly states that for job satisfaction 3 things are important -
1. Challenges
2. Autonomy
3. Relation between effort and rewards.
A manager can create point 1 and 2, however point 3 is to be looked at an organizations level.
Picked this book from the bestsellers shelf, the title is somewhat cryptic, but it means that this book is about all those who lie outside/above the rest. This book in no uncertain way proves that hard work is the only thing that is in your hand to achieve success. Luck, family, economy and other factors play a part, but they are beyond your control. It also dispels the myth on high IQ/genius.
It also clearly states that for job satisfaction 3 things are important -
1. Challenges
2. Autonomy
3. Relation between effort and rewards.
A manager can create point 1 and 2, however point 3 is to be looked at an organizations level.