Tough questions

Some questions for which i dont have answers.

1. Why is a good delivery a good team work and bad delivery because of bad testing job?
2. Why does nobody think about the process when the things are going right?
3. Can a bad product be made good by extensive testing and finding bugs and then doing all the patch work?
4. Why cant trainers be magicians who transfer all they know directly to your head in the training time? Something like matrix
5. Why is it if you want to argue you can have supporting points for anything?
6. Is it ok to have a gain at the loss of your principles/beliefs?
7. Why do we have things like sadistic pleasure?
8. why is it so easy to see a glass half empty and not as half full?
9. Why dont people bother about taste of beer after they had their first bottle?
10. Why always opposites attract?

I have also now bought Gita and kept it in my car, hopefully i get some real empty time when i can get to read it,,its a very small version..


~ ॐ ~ said…
i would like to answer every point, well, some of them in detail...par that would have pages of text.. will talk about these when we get time next...
Anonymous said…
1. Why is a good delivery a good team work and bad delivery because of bad testing job?
Still finding the answer to this question myself...lemme know if you have any

2. Why does nobody think about the process when the things are going right?
Does anyone cares about them...when things are really not good and the team need to fix everything ASAP ?

3. Can a bad product be made good by extensive testing and finding bugs and then doing all the patch work?

4. Why cant trainers be magicians who transfer all they know directly to your head in the training time? Something like matrix
You wish.....

5. Why is it if you want to argue you can have supporting points for anything?
If you argue correctly, you are never wrong - Quote from "Thank you for smoking" movie

6. Is it ok to have a gain at the loss of your principles/beliefs?
To each his own....some cling to them....and some loose the rope

7. Why do we have things like sadistic pleasure?
Blame god for creating such complex emotions in us......

8. Why is it so easy to see a glass half empty and not as half full?

9. Why dont people bother about taste of beer after they had their first bottle?
Cause they are kinda intoxicated...

10. Why always opposites attract?
Ask newton....or einstein...or may be god...if u can
Anonymous said…
hey Qs...need to ponder over them indeed...hmmm

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