5 weird things about newborns - CNN.com

5 weird things about newborns - CNN.com

I remember the time when Neitya was born and whatever we may feel is a problem, is normal. So, baby waking up all the time is normal, baby crying for nothing is normal, black patches on baby is normal, its kind of funny.. I remember a doc saying that big belly button might be hernia, but another doc saying thats normal and we need to wait and see..

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~ ॐ ~ said…
Infact ankur i have also read somewhere that baby's crying is an important exercise for their body... most of us would attempt to pick up the baby and make him/her stop... but thats something we should not be doing...
Ankur said…
@OM- u have wrong info.. The babies needs to be consoled and loved when crying.. V rare they may cry without a reason, still they need to be hugged and made feel secure. Lettings babies cry makes them cranky and irritable. Might also affect health and eating habits adversly

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