Good and Bad continues
- Good - I finally get to visit the Khatu shyam temple
- Bad - Bad accident with a tractor trolley on the way back. Car destroyed from front.
- Good- All escape almost uninjured., minor shock injuries.
- Bad- car catches fire.
- Good- Fire gets extinguished quickly.
- Bad- Accident in the middle of nowhere and almost nobody to call for help because of distance from Delhi is about 250 KM.
- Good- My old friend in Jaipur comes to rescue. Calls his local contact who help me find a transportation for the car to delhi.
- Bad - No transport easily available for Delhi.
- Good - Finally catch hold of one after 6 hours.
- Bad- Delhi has no entry of heavy vehicles and i need to reach the workshop in daytime so that the car can be unloaded.
- Good- Traffic police listens to my dad and lets us go through.
- Good- We are able to find an auto just outside the workshop to finally drop us home.
- Bad- The front wheel of auto comes out, it jumps.
- Good- We are not injured.
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How is everyone?
Kharcha on the car? Would recommend this brand of car to ppl after this accident?
Is neitya all right?
Fire? CNG? Petrol Leakage?
And another thing - Who was Driving? You ??