More Questions

  • Can there be a win win situation when one person considers his win only at others loss?
  • Should one work for someone or have a worker when there is no faith?
  • is it possible to have another Gandhi? To be able to give another cheek when u r slapped on one?
  • Why is it so hard to agree to disagree?


~ ॐ ~ said…
I took a break from work because i wanted some rest...

and your blog just made me think more... huh !!!

* Can there be a win win situation when one person considers his win only at others loss?
* Should one work for someone or have a worker when there is no faith?

* is it possible to have another Gandhi? To be able to give another cheek when u r slapped on one?
Gandhi.. ek hi bahut hai... we just know some side of that man.. the one which has been potrayed... anyway.. about the cheek.. i doubt... unless you have gone insane with sanity or there is something else which makes you do that... normally no one is going to do that anymore...

* Why is it so hard to agree to disagree?
Because we want to win, take every conversation, every communication as a contest and not accept things at the face value... also because of the way we express... we might be just putting forth our opinion but it might sound like a counter statement...

phew.. bas...
Afaque said…
Hello frnd
i need to ask something to u regarding ur blog
also it was fun reading the unsaid and understood!!!


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